C:rcle & Friends w/ Feed the Fire
- 21.03.2025
- Aldea club (BA)
Blíži sa ďalšia edícia tvojej fav drum and bass noci C:rcle & Friends 🖤 Headlinerom bude talentovaný producent z Hamburgu, ktorý si hovorí @feedthefire_dnb 🔥 Vo svojej tvorbe spája rôznorodé hudobné vplyvy do súčasného soundu, pričom zostáva verný koreňom drum and bass žánru. Jeho tracky podporujú hviezdy ako A.M.C, Andy C, Koven, Friction či Turno, no veľa jeho produkcie môžeš nájsť aj v setoch @circlednb , ktorá jeho hudbu pravidelne hráva a nebude na line-upe samozrejme chýbať
Okrem Feed The Fire a C:rcle sa môžeš tešiť aj na @syndicate_dnb , známeho svojou selekciou komerčného dancefloor drum and bassu, ktorý rád kombinuje s tvrdšími a rýchlejšími subžánrami. Po prvýkrát sa v Aldea Clube predstaví aj @apulse_dnb , no a fresh energiu prinesie talentovaná začínajúca DJka RomiE.
🇬🇧 The next edition of your favorite drum and bass night, C:rcle & Friends, is approaching! 🖤 The headliner will be the talented producer from Hamburg, Feed The Fire🔥 who blends diverse musical influences into a modern sound while staying true to his roots. His tracks are supported by stars like A.M.C, Andy C, Koven, Friction, and Turno, and you can also hear a lot of his productions in C:rcle’s sets, as they regularly play his music—and, of course, they won’t be missing from the lineup.
In addition to Feed The Fire and C:rcle, you can also look forward to Syndicate, known for his selection of commercial dancefloor drum and bass, which he skillfully mixes with harder and faster subgenres. For the first time, A-pulse will perform at Aldea Club, and bringing fresh energy to the lineup will be the talented up-and-coming DJ RomiE.